  • 期刊


Visible and Invisible: Aging-related Problems and Challenges Faced by People with Dementia




The number of people with dementia is increasing rapidly in Taiwan. The Taiwanese government has been making efforts to improve various services for them. However, a medical assessment service is still not available to the majority of them and they are yet to receive the social services they need. Findings from existing studies have offered valuable knowledge on the main reasons that lead to the exclusion of patients with dementia from the formal service system. This study consulted relevant literature for analysis. Individuals' motivations and the potential influence of micro, intermediary, and macro factors on the non-take-up of benefits were employed to analyze the process of applying for and receiving services. Issues related to social stigma, obstacles to assessment and health services, situations after being diagnosed with dementia, challenges in applying for and using formal services, and the pros and cons of applying for legal guardianship and assistance were all discussed. This study expands the understanding of problems and challenges related to health service, welfare resources, and legal services for people with dementia. Finally, this study offered policy recommendations for improving the service system for dementia patients.


Vernooij-Dassen, M. J., E. D. Moniz-Cook, R. T. Woods, J. De Lepeleire, A. Leuschner, O. Zanetti, J. de Rotrou, G. Kenny, M. Franco, V. Peters, & S. Iliffe (2005). Factors Affecting Timely Recognition and Diagnosis of Dementia Across Europe: from Awareness to Stigma. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(4), 377-386. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1302
吳柏緯(2019)。〈失智、詐騙、凍產─高齡社會的金融炸彈〉。《報導者》。資料檢索日期:2020 年01 月26 日。網址:https://www.twreporter.org/topics/dementia-financial-crisis
