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New Model of Traditional Chinese Medicine Home Health Care in Taiwan




中醫 居家醫療 模式


The home health care was begun at 2016 in Taiwan. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has its unique, effectiveness and lower cost. Although it is suitable for holistic health care system, but the home health care using TCM wont accepted and paid by national health insurance until 2019. Its difficult to do the current model for the TCM physicians, because the team of home health care must include hospital physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, etc. Descriptive study method was used and the statistical data from the public information on the internet. According to this research we found that 403 patients, 1803 visits accepted TCM home health care and spent nearly ten million NT dollars during a year (2019-2020). In 2020, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare provided funds to establish a new model for integrated TCM to serve the future home health care. This research project also hope to form a feasible community and preventive medicine.


TCM home health care new model


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衛生福利部中央健康保險署: 全民健康保險居家醫療照護整合計畫。file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/20(2).pdf
