  • 期刊


A Discussion of Motivations of Museum Gift Donors




博物館 捐贈 捐贈者 動機 文物


Since gifts make up a significant portion of museum collections and donors are recognized as key stakeholders, it is vital for museums to establish good relationships with their donors and understand what motivates donors to donate their objects. Furthermore, donating objects to museums is one of the critical ways of enhancing public engagement for museums, which enables donors to understand the process and value of museums' work. Despite its significance, there are few studies focusing on exploring motivations of museum gift donors. Existing literature regarding motivations of museum gift donors remains incomplete and is not conducive to both academic and practical aspects. As discussed above, this study begins by proposing a preliminary model for explaining why donors donate their objects to museums. It then goes on to a comparison of donors' motivations in different types of museums. The final section of this paper provides suggestions for further research and practices.


museum donation donor motivation object


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奇美博物館(2020)。關於奇美博物館。檢自 https://www.chimeimuseum.org
