  • 期刊


Usability Evaluation of Museum's Digital Collection Website with the Optimization of User-Centered Design


博物館採取數位的方法典藏物件、文獻、建築、遺址等各種實體物件,為公開予社會大眾大多會建置數位典藏網站進行保存,同時也藉由網路無遠弗屆的特性,與世界各地的公民分享,展現各自的文化與特色。臺灣的數位典藏內容的轉化應用,實踐了文化近用(accessibility)的倡議、在COVID-19疫情期間作為師生教學與學習的資源,以及成為社會大眾休閒管道的角色,在在都彰顯了數位典藏在文化、社會、教育的價值。使用性(usability)是一個數位典藏網站必備的條件之一。本研究以國立科學工藝博物館營運的電信數位博物館網站為個案,在採用使用者為中心的設計(User-Centered Design, UCD)方法改版之後,進行使用性評估,同時呈現UCD於實務操作的過程。本研究從10名受試者的操作中觀察,並於後進行訪談與問卷調查,以評估網站的使用性及發掘使用性問題(usability issue)。研究結果發現該網站整體的使用性尚屬良好,並發現須進一步改善的使用性問題,包括部分類別的檢索功能耗時,翻頁功能非當今普遍的直覺設計,以及應提供更細緻的搜尋功能等,這些使用性問題應秉持UCD的精神與方法,持續研究予以優化。


The museum adopts digital methods to preserve various entities such as cultural relics, works of literature, architecture, and ruins have been digitally preserved, and shared with global citizens and showcase their culture. Another purpose is to transform and apply the content of the collection. For Taiwan's museums, whether it is preservation or application, technology is used to achieve cultural accessibility. During the COVID-19 epidemic, digital collection content has become a learning tool and channel and a leisure channel for the general public. All of which highlights the value of digital collections in culture, society, and education. Usability is the fundamental aspect to be considered for digital collection websites. This study takes the website of the Telecommunication Digital Museum, operated by the National Science and Technology Museum, as a case study. It evaluates the usability of the revised version using the User-Centered Design (UCD) method, and the practical process of the UCD revision. In this study, 10 participants were observed during the website's usage to collect usability issues, and post-interviews and post-questionnaires were conducted to evaluate the website's usability. The results show that the overall usability of the website is relatively positive. In addition, some usability problems that need to be further improved have been identified, including the search function being slightly time-consuming, the page-turning function not being intuitive, and the need for more detailed search functions. These usability issues can be continuously researched and optimized in the spirit and methods of UCD.


徐典裕、劉杏津、王秀雯(2011)。兒童學習網站融入遊戲因子之研究─ 以國立自然科學博物館兒童數位博物館為例。 博物館學季刊, 25 ( 2 ), 65-91。doi:10.6686/MuseQ.201104_25(2).0004
許峻誠(2019)。使用者經驗研究的回顧與展望。資訊社會研究,36,27-37。doi: 10.29843/JCCIS.201901_(36).0003
