  • 期刊


Reflections on the Sociology of Music: Reading Adorno's Introduction to the Sociology of Music and DeNora's Music in Everyday Life




This study reviews two influential texts in the sociology of music: Adorno's Introduction to the Sociology of Music and DeNora's Music in Everyday Life. In the former, Adorno regards music as social mediation, which not only can induce obedience but also enlighten and restructure people's minds, whereas in the latter, DeNora conceptualises music as a technology of self-a means of accomplishing things. This study proposes that DeNora developed the thoughts of Adorno to acknowledge that music is a building material of consciousness and a mode of praxis and that individuals may use music to produce and structure their agency rather than to accompany the existing social order. The ideas of DeNora are considered a new direction in music sociology, with an 'affective turn' and a focus on everyday life. They return to the Adorno proposition but pay more attention to humanity's search for social practice, agency, and hope.


朱立元(2018)。〈代序:阿多諾與音樂美學〉,梁豔萍、馬衛星、曹俊峰(譯)《音樂社會學導論》,頁 1。北京:中央編譯出版社。(原書 Adorno, T. W. [1975]. Einleitung in die musiksoziologie. Frankfurt, DE: Suhrkamp Verlag.)
林宏濤譯(2009)。《啟蒙的辯證》。台北市:商周出版。(原書Horkheimer, M., & Adorno, T. W. [1947/1972]. Dialectic of enlightenment (J. Cumming, Trans.). New York: Herder and Herder.)
夏春祥、唐士哲、羅世宏譯(2013)。《傳播研究的典律文本》。台北市:五南。(原書 Katz, E., Peters, J. D., Liebes, T., & Orloff, A. (Eds.). [2003]. Canonic texts in media research: Are there any? Should there be? How about these? Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.)
