  • 期刊


The Evolution of India's Nuclear Policy: the case study of the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement




India's strategic path towards nuclear weapons capability was so long. A legacy of India's non-violent independence movement and diplomatic opposition to nuclear proliferation during the long premiership of Jawaharlal Nehru is the vital factor. On the other hand, India's nuclear programme has always been related to its search for recognition and respect in the eyes of the world. Indeed, the Indians viewed the entire nuclear non-proliferation regime as being deeply flawed. They believed that the regime perpetuated a world of inequality in which the existing nuclear powers enjoyed the benefits emanating from their possession of the ultimate weapon, while other states were forced to accept second-class status. In 2005, the Bush administration announced that it planned to offer India fuel and technical support for its civilian programme. There is little doubt that the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement has played an important role in facilitating the India and US rapprochement. The US has altered its position and change its domestic laws and convincing international agencies to alter their regulations in order to provide India with civil nuclear assistance. The agreement shows enormous strategic victory for India, however, the most political challenging aspects has been India's domestic politics and sees it as reducing India's freedom of action.
