  • 期刊


Developing Core Competencies for Environmental Educators in Taiwan




Educators are the critical actors in each facility and venue of environmental education. The purpose of this study is to probe the "core competencies" of environmental educators in Taiwan. Based on the "Building Block Model" theory from ETA in the U.S., a four-phase study was designed to explore the critical content for professional development. Following the literature review in the initial stage, a focus group was invited with 13 experts to collaboratively create the framework for the required competencies in the first phase. Interviews of 29 practitioners from 11 environmental facilities and venues were conducted in the second phase. The qualitative data collection and analysis derived the eight dimensions and 38 required core competencies. In the third phase, the Fuzzy Delphi Method was employed with 39 experts, including 15 scholars and 24 practitioners, to draw core competencies with high importance. Results of this study show the core competencies of environmental educators include EE fundamental knowledge, professional responsibilities of the environmental educator, program and curriculum designing, and EE teaching and implementation. Based on the results, a revised competency model for environmental educators was built to provide tasks and competence needs for educators in the EE facilities and venues. Conclusions and suggestions for future studies were drawn based on the findings, which can be used as a reference for the authorities, planners of training programs, and environmental educators for self-assessment.


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