  • 期刊


The Change and Growth of Hospital Pharmacists under the COVID-19 Pandemic


臺北市立和平醫院在2003年歷經嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,簡稱SARS)的深刻洗禮後,時隔17年,2019年年底再度遇上嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Coronavirus Disease-2019,簡稱COVID-19)新疫情的衝擊。藥劑科最大轉變為,透過更仔細且分層的防疫應變計畫擬定與執行,包含即時的防疫物資盤點、線上口罩管理、人員分艙分流、e化軟體及skype應用於登錄體溫、對民眾衛教、教學與會議,制定藥品自費管理、首次發展戶外領藥服務、Line即時疫病新知分享、給予同仁心理諮商等各項規劃,讓藥師能在此波疫情影響下身心有所成長。從初始心境的驚慌動盪,逐漸能觀察學習,進而能回饋意見,應變異常的情緒,理解身為醫院藥師的責任與使命,繼續為病人安全和提升藥事服務品質盡一份心力。


藥事服務 新冠疫情 學習 應變 防疫計畫


In 2003, the Heping branch of Taipei City Hospital experienced went through the impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Seventeen years later, Heping branch encountered the wave of a new epidemic, Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19), at the end of 2019. Transformations have occurred in hospitals and pharmacy departments in the current period, and the biggest change is a more detailed and stratified preparation and implementation of a pandemic prevention plan, including a real-time inventory of pandemic prevention materials, online mask management, sub-compartment and triage measures, and applications of e-Software and Skype to register the body temperature and for patient education about drug use, teaching, and meetings. Drug self-pay management has been established, and outdoor drug delivery services are being developed for the first time. Instant COVID-19 knowledge sharing is being practiced through the Line application, and psychological counseling provided for colleagues. All these measures help pharmacists grow their minds and body. From the initial state of panic and turbulence, they have been able to observe and learn gradually. They can give their feedback and opinions and respond to abnormal emotions while contributing to patient safety and improving pharmaceutical care quality.
