  • 期刊


Study on Long-term Neck, Shoulder and Back Massage for Emotional Health Care


本研究是針對頸、肩、背部按摩一段時間後,是否能達到壓力放鬆及維持情緒的效果。本研究有通過元培醫事科技大學人體與人類行為研究倫理委員會審查通過。實驗對象為某一公司員工,受測者分為2組,一組是完全沒有(或3個月內沒有)接受按摩者,有14人;另一組則是接受1年以上按摩者,且是 1個月至少2次以上,有16人。受測者的年齡在20~65歲之間,量測時間在108年3月12日到108年6月15日;施測地點為該公司內部會議室。研究測量工具採心律變異儀、腦波儀、睡眠品質自我量評表與情緒智力量表。每個受測者均會採集兩次的數據,每次採集數據需間隔1周以上,方能代表此受測者平常的情緒壓力及其狀態。實驗結果以SPSS 20.0軟體,進行ANOVA統計分析,顯著性設為p<0.05。結果顯示:接受1年以上按摩經驗者相對於無按摩經驗者,以各種腦波所換算出的“疲勞”情緒,具有顯著差異;且在情緒智力量表中的積分及睡眠品質自我評量表中的積分比較:發現接受1年以上按摩經驗者相對於無按摩經驗者,也有顯著差異;心律變異方面,無論是在時域分析與頻域分析後,大部份無顯著差異。綜合研究結果顯示在接受1年以上按摩經驗且一周2次者,在日常生活中有助紓解疲勞、提升情緒智力及睡眠品質的效果。


The purpose of this study is to explore whether it has an impact on mood after receiving long-term neck, shoulder, and back massages. The subjects of the experiment were employees of a company, 16 people who were massaged, 14 who were not massaged, and 30 people totally joined. All study was approved by Yuanpei Medical University's Ethics Committee on Human and Human Behavior Research. The subject's age is between 20 and 65 years, and the measuring time is from March 12 to June 15, 2019. The tested location is in conference room of the company. Each subject was collected data twice a month, and the interval should be more than 1 week, which represented the normal stress and emotional state of the subject. The measurement tools included heart rate variability (HRV), electroencephalogram (ECG), questionnaire of assessing sleep quality and emotional intelligence scale. All the data of the experimental results were analyzed by ANOVA using SPSS 20.0 software. The results showed that those who received massage experience for more than 1 year had significant difference in "fatigue" emotion converted from various brain waves compared with those without massage experience. It was also found that those who received massage experience for more than 1 year were significantly different from those without massage experience in the scores on the emotional intelligence scale and the self-assessment scale of sleep quality. No significant difference was found in both the time domain analysis and the frequency domain analysis in HRV. Comprehensive research results showed that those who received massage experience for more than 1 year and twice a week could relieve fatigue, emotional intelligence and sleep quality in daily life.
