  • 期刊

The Effect of Flow Experience on EFL Online Learner Satisfaction



雖然台灣的一些大學已提供線上英語課程,然而影響外語線上學習者滿意度的因素仍然不清楚。本研究有兩個目的:1.探討神馳經驗對外語線上學習者滿意度之影響; 2驗證神馳經驗量表及線上學習者滿意度量表的效度與信度。有199位選修線上英語的大學生有效地填完量表。簡單迴歸分析顯示:神馳經驗可顯著地預測外語線上學習者滿意度' F (1, 197) = 134.19, p < .001, R^2 = .41。因此,外語線上教師應先提升外語線上學習者的神馳經驗,以期盼他們能在外語線上學習時有更高的滿意度。因素分析及信度分析結果顯示:神馳經驗量表包含一個因素(神馳經驗),並解釋量表的50.87%之變異量,其信度為.86 ;線上學習者滿意度量表包含兩個因素(對課程的滿意及對媒體的滿意),並解釋量表的65.69%之變異量,其信度為.92。所以神馳經驗量表及線上學習者滿意度量表是分別評量外語線上學習者的神馳經驗及學習者滿意度的有效且可信量表。


Although online English courses have been offered at some universities in Taiwan, it is not clear what factors contributing to online learner satisfaction. The purposes of this study were to explore the effect of flow experience on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) online learner satisfaction and to validate the Chinese versions of the Flow Experience Scale (PES) and Online Learner Satisfaction Scale (OLSS). A total of 199 EFL students from a university in Taiwan completed the FES and OLSS. A simple regression analysis demonstrated that the flow experience had a positive effect on EFL online learner satisfaction, F (1, 197) ~ 134.19, p < .001, R^2 =.41 Hence, EFL web teachers should enhance EFL online learners' flow experience in order to bring about better online English learning satisfaction. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients were .86 for FES and .92 for OLSS. For the FES, a principal component analysis resulted in a one-factor (flow experience) solution that accounted for 50.87% of the variance. For the OLSS, the principal component analysis resulted in a two-factor (satisfaction with the COUIlle and satisfaction with the medium) solution that accounted for 65.69% of the variance. Thus, FES and OLSS are valid and reliable instruments measuring EFL online learners' flow experience and learner satisfaction, respectively.


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