  • 期刊

The Effects of the Cooperative Translation Task on EFL College Students' Translation Learning



Due to the changing trend in translation learning and teaching, in the past decade, a number of scholars have called for alternative translation pedagogies. Moreover, there is a lack of a systematic and organized translation teaching methodology for translation teachers. To echo those needs, I have been working on developing a translation learning task, named the Cooperative Translation Task (CoTT) for teachers. Following a design-based research (DBR) framework, which encourages development through continuous cycles of design, enactment, analysis, and redesign, the CoTT was developed in two authentic learning environments through two cycles of implementation. Even though the CoTT has undergone two cycles of implementations, its quantitative effects on students' translation learning and the differences in the learning effects between the traditional and this new teaching approach have yet to be explored. The current stody employed a quasi-experiment to compare the effects of the CoTT and traditional instruction on students' learning performance. As both traditional translation teaching and the CoTT are beneficial to students' revised works, the progress grades (posttest-pretest) of the two groups' performance were used to compare the differences in the effects. Qualitative results were used to further investigate the subjects' perspectives toward the two approaches as well. The current study found that the CoTT had the more positive effect on students' translation learning. The students in the CoTT class outperformed their counterparts in the traditional class, and there was a significant difference between their performances on the translation assignments. However, the interview data indicated that the CoTT was too complex and time-consuming. Based on the results of this study, the researcher simplified the procedures and developed the New CoTT. It is hoped that the New CoTT will encourage translation teachers to adopt or adapt alternative translation pedagogies in their translation classrooms.




翻譯學習 學習任務 合作學習


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