  • 期刊


A Study on the Competency and Work Features of Design Workers



設計的目的是為生活提供服務,其必需隨時代變遷進行調整,才能發揮創意、創造產業更高附加價值。臺灣在各產黨產品製造上已具有一定之能力或優勢,若能在既有產品土加入設計概念,使產品更有價值戚,則將使產品在國際上更具有競爭力。 本研究探討設計人員具備的工作特質與能力,希望由此了解業界需求及未來趨勢,進而發展設計工作者能力指標,提出結合現況與前瞻的課程規劃,預期所獲得的工作特質內涵,將對設計工作相關的學術研究及教育訓練有所貢獻,並進而導引課程發展。 研究首先探討設計定義與設計工作者特質和應具備之能力,其次蒐集各先進國家有關設計工作內涵的相關文獻,以獲得設計工作人員訪談相關內涵調查初稿。再透過專家深度訪談,為由與專家晤談中獲得詳細之工作特質與能力內涵,經紮根遑論進行分析整理所得的資料。最後進行專家會主義,確定設計工作人員特質與能力內涵。 研究獲得初步成果如下: 設計工作的特質分具高度競爭性、高挑戰性等9項;設計工作者特質有直覺力強、鑑賞力高、個人特質等17項;產黨設計等16種設計類型之工作特質;以及設計工作人員應具備的基本學術能力、個人操守能力、管理能力、人際能力、思考能力、專業能力等六項能力。


The purpose of design is to provide service for life. With the changing of the workplace, the design concept has to be adjusted to bring creativity into increase of the added value for the products. Although the product manufacturing in Taiwan has already obtained its on competitive strategies and advantages, the application of design concepts may generate highly added value to the existent products and win the competitive advantages in the world. This research aimed to investigate the competency and work features of design workers in the hope of understanding the needs and trends of the industry, developing the competency standard index of design workers and then formulating advanced and practical curriculum for the contribution of related research as well as professional education and training. This study first discusses the definition of design and the qualities and competencies design workers should be qualified with. Then the study conducts a literature review to collect related literature about competency standard in developed countries for the construction of in-depth interview protocol. Third, the detailed tasks and competency contents are made through the in-depth interview with specialists. Finally, the competency features and content of design workers are set based on the conclusion of the specialist meeting. The preliminary results of the study are as follows: The content features of design work consist of 9 highly competitive and challenging categories, the features of design workers include 17 categories regarding strong sense, excellent appreciating ability and personality, and the features of industry design are categorized into 16 items. Moreover, the design workers should be qualified with the following 6 abilities such as basic academic ability, discipline norm, management ability, social ability, critical thinking ability and professional ability.
