  • 期刊


Death and the Possibilities of Rebirth: The Study of Terminal Cancer Patients.




死亡 再生 喪葬儀式 追憶亡者 文本


This article aims to describe how actors (terminal cancer patients, their families and medical staffs) on different stage (the cancer ward of Sin-un hospital and the hospice ward of Tsuan-dou hospital) could recreate themselves, their performance, its playing stage and setting when death is coming soon. There are two kinds of text, ”funeral and burial rites” and ”memory of the dead.” Actor's narration, discourse and cultural performance compose the text. Everyday life world and its constitutions (cultural tradition, social institutions and value-belief) and medical field and its constitutions (medical ideology, knowledge, belief and power) are acting setting. Theoretic assumption is based on that social drama performed on different stage follows specific setting's guidelines. Cultural system as a whole incorporated by social drama forged by actors, performance, stage and setting can't be changed by actors' performance on different stage and setting. After that performing process, actor's identity, the performance, the playing stage and setting is not same with there before. Research findings are as follows. Physical death of terminal cancer patients is becoming social reality. Death is not equal with living ending. Death information shocks patients and families; they resist against death, then reproduce themselves, related persons and things. Through ”funeral and burial rites” and ”memory of the dead,” patients and families pass through ritual transformation twice. Then they learn to play suitable social roles. Their possible lifestyles include physical death, physical life, social death and social life when they acting on different stage in specific setting.


