  • 期刊


Transformational Leadership Drives Employee Self-efficacy under Self-identification Process? The Moderated Mediation Effect of Procedural Justice




This study examined the direct relationship with transformational leadership and employee self-efficacy, in turn further investigated the identification mechanisms. Based on social identification theory this study built the model that how transformational leadership under the psychological process of self-identification influence employee self-efficacy. A sample of 248 employees with two-stage collection working was tested. Results indicate that transformational leadership positively related to employee self-efficacy. The transitional leadership interacts fairly with the organization and has a positive correlation with self-identification and transformational leadership through self-identification intermediary effect affect the self-efficacy of employee procedural justice has the effect of regulating the relationship between transformational leadership and self-efficacy through self-identification intermediary. Finally, the academic and management implications along with research results are discussed.


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