  • 期刊


Body image and eating attitude for female dancers in high school: The mediating effect of body checking


女性舞者隱藏著飲食問題,而這些問題與不滿體型感受有關,過去研究總缺乏身體意象知覺的論證。目的:本研究以自我差距理論概念來探討身體意象知覺差距對女性舞者飲食態度的影響,並進一步檢驗身體檢視在兩者關係的中介效應。方法:以便利抽樣法自南部五所高中職舞蹈班選取共397位女學生為研究對象,平均年齡為16.75(SD=0.89)歲;徵求同意後,讓其填寫身體意象知覺問卷、飲食態度量表以及身體檢視問卷。將所得資料以線性結構方程模式與Sobel Test及Bootstrap Method處理。結果:身體意象知覺差距、身體檢視及飲食態度存在顯著的正向線性結構關係,身體檢視在身體意象知覺差距與飲食態度之間扮演部分中介的角色。結論:理想與實際體型知覺的落差確實會影響女性舞者的飲食態度,而此影響效果會受到身體檢視行為的中介,就是說由體型知覺差距誘發的不滿感受,若激發身體部位檢視行為,將會導致年輕女性舞者發生飲食問題。


Purpose: This study explored the influence of the perception discrepancy of body image on female dancers' eating attitude underlying the self-discrepancy theory. Furthermore, the mediating effect of body checking on the relationship between the perception discrepancy of body image and eating attitude was examined. Method: A total of 397 female students, aged 16.75 ± 0.89 years, from the five high school dance classes were selected by using the convenience sampling method. After being informed and consented, all participants completed a set of questionnaires consisting of body image perception, eating attitude, and body checking behaviors. Structural equation modeling (SEM), Sobel Test, and Bootstrap Method were utilized for data analyses. Results: The SEM indicated positive relationships among the perception discrepancy of body image, body checking, and eating attitude. Furthermore, the Sobel Test and Bootstrap Method analyses showed that body checking would partially mediate the relationships between the perception discrepancy of body image and eating attitude. Conclusion: The discrepancy of ideal and actual body image may affect the female dancers' eating attitude, and this effect is mediated by the body checking behaviors. Thus, the body dissatisfaction caused by the discrepancy between perceived and ideal body image is likely to induce female dancers' body checking behaviors, which may easily lead to eating problems.


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