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Franchise Management Strategies of the Pacific League of the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization




Purpose: Franchise management is a mainstream business model for professional sports team operations worldwide. In Japan, many teams in the Pacific League (PBL) adopted the franchise management strategy after a series of operational changes beginning in 2004 called "The reorganization of the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization" (NPB). The teams successfully resolved their chronic deficits and continued to grow. In Taiwan, many teams in the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) have also utilized the franchise management strategy to expand their businesses. Taiwan's baseball culture has been heavily influenced by Japan, and the PBL in Japan has often succeeded in franchise management. Thus, this study analyzed the franchise management strategies of the PBL and provided suggestions for Taiwan's baseball industry to ensure its sustainability. Methods: This study analyzed the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles, and Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks, which are a part of the PBL. Document analysis was used to review studies on franchise management and these teams and to identify their franchise management strategies. Results: Three strategies were identified from the review: building a fan base, which involves local emblem connection, home-game marketing, and renovating home stadiums; corporate social responsibility, which involves collaborating with local governments to market cities, regional revitalization, and forming cooperative alliances; and grassroots baseball development, which involves training local talent, and promoting engagement in sports. Although the strategies were similar among the teams, they differed with the local conditions and parent companies. Box office figures and other statistics indicate that the teams achieved sustained growth after adopting the franchise management model. Conclusion: Whereas professional baseball teams were previously established as marketing tools for their parent companies, after a downturn in revenue, franchise management strategies began to be adopted. By adopting a profit-driven mentality, innovating, working closely with local markets and audiences, and upholding a common-good mentality, the teams strategically planned their activities and created a positive ecosystem. Their accomplishments indicate that establishing strong relationships with local communities can ensure sustainability for professional teams. Professional teams in the CPBL can learn to market home games, implement franchise management, adapt to local conditions, and strengthen their relationships with their cities from the PBL to thereby secure a promising future for the professional baseball industry in Taiwan. This study also provides practical suggestions for Taiwan's professional baseball organizations, the CPBL, and the local government.


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