  • 學位論文


Performance Management and Rewards Systems of the Professional Baseball Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張重昭 林修葳 陳業寧


本研究針對曾經存在於國內職業運動歷史最悠久之中華職棒大聯盟內三年(含)以上之職棒公司的績效管理與獎酬制度,進行既廣且深之探討。本研究以深度訪談法,向聯盟與職棒公司之高層,及職棒球評等具代表性之人事,蒐集第一手之資料,再結合國內、外相關領域之論文、教科書、報章雜誌、職棒年鑑及網路等文獻及資料之整理,完成此研究。研究主題不僅開國內之先河,更期盼能替國內棒球運動以及後續之學者,提供微薄之貢獻。 本研究歸納出職棒公司的四大績效衡量指標為球隊戰績、球迷人數、公司財務表現,以及對母企業之影響等,其中戰績乃職棒公司四大績效之根源,但在聯盟現行的選秀制度下,欲提昇戰績之職棒公司必須從「獎酬制度之設計」與「具戰力外籍選手之招募和激勵」著手,而以獎酬制度能夠激勵所有選手及教練之特性,更添增其價值。 在進行一系列之分析後,本研究整理出目前能以最低之成本去顯著提昇球隊戰績之獎酬制度,有下列九點特性:一、人性化;二、重賞關鍵人物;三、低底薪、高獎金;四、運用目標簽約金及目標月薪;五、因應球隊當年實力調整制度;六、在冠軍戰時靈活運用勝場獎金;七、在冠軍戰時拉大奪冠與否之獎酬差距;八、結合將對手分級制與累進制之勝場獎金;九、管理者需瞭解如何使獎酬制度起死回生。


This study focuses on in-depth and comprehensive discussions regarding the performance management and the rewards system designs of the professional baseball companies that have existed for at least three years in the Chinese Professional Baseball Major League, CPBML, an organization with the longest life-span in Taiwan’s professional sports history. The Study collects first-hand data from numerous in-depth interviews with an owner and several managers of the companies, a supervisor of the league, a TV commentator, and the general coach of a baseball team. In addition, almanacs, theses, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, financial statements, as well as Internet sources provided relevant data for the study and enrich the analyses. This is an unprecedented topic in Taiwan, which aims to make some contribution to professional sports and subsequent scholarship. The study summarizes the four performance indices that the professional baseball companies share, the rank of the subordinate baseball teams, the number of fans the teams enjoy, financial performance, and their effect upon their parent companies. The first index, according to the analysis, is the key to all the others. Under the current regulations, the keys for companies to improve the ranks of subordinate teams are “rewards system design” and “foreign players.” Due to the fact that rewards system design is able to motivate all players and coaches, it can be concluded that rewards system design plays a crucial role in the performance management issue. Following the series of analyses, nine characteristics that the most effective and efficient rewards system designs share are: (1) humanity; (2) spotlight the key persons; (3) low salary, high bonus; (4) set goals in advance; (5) flexibility; (6) use the “winning bonus system” wisely in championship series; (7) enlarge the margin between rewards for the winners and losers in a championship series; (8) incorporate “classification of the opponent teams” and “progressiveness” into the winning bonus system; and (9) supervisors’ knowledge of how to revitalize the rewards system.


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