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Rights in the Time of Exclusion The Role of ASEAN in Protecting the Rights of Migrant Workers in the Asia-Pacific


According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Asia-Pacific region hosts around one-fifth of the nearly 164 million migrant workers in the world. With increasing manufacturing demands and aging domestic populations, developed economies in East Asia rely heavily on migrant workers, yet many migration corridors in the region, such as those involving members of ASEAN, are routes with high risks of migrant labor exploitation. International organizations and advocacy groups have focused on raising awareness of migrant labor abuses and increasing ratifications to international treaties that address the protection of migrant workers. This essay examines and frames ASEAN’s work on migrant protection within international standard-setting regarding labor migration and the human rights of migrant workers. While ASEAN regional instruments are less comprehensive than international instruments for migrant protection, ASEAN nonetheless can have an important role in advocating for better migrant protections, provided that its current regional standards become more consistent with international standards and implementation mechanisms become more robust for the protection of all migrant workers.


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International Labour Organization (ILO), ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers-Results and Methodology, 2nd ed. (Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2018), xii, https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_652001/ (accessed April 18, 2020).
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), “History: The Founding of ASEAN,” https://asean.org/asean/about-asean/history/ (accessed April 18, 2020)
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