  • 期刊

The Hall Technique在臨床的成功率及成功率和年紀、性別、牙位、蛀牙的深度等因素的相關性

The Clinical Success Rate of the Hall Technique and Its Correlation with Age, Gender, Tooth Position, and Depth of Caries


目的:The Hall Technique的做法為在蛀牙的乳臼齒上覆蓋不銹鋼牙套,並且在施作過程中省略麻醉、牙齒修型、蛀牙移除等步驟,可降低患者對於牙科治療的恐懼和焦慮。本研究意在探討The Hall Technique的臨床成功率,以及其和年紀、性別、牙位、蛀牙深度的相關性。方法:本研究在中國醫學大學附設醫院兒童牙科搜集了適合施作The Hall Technique的牙齒,總共為82顆。在排除22顆觀察時間未超過2年的牙齒後,本文以剩餘的60顆牙齒進行研究。結果:在施以The Hall Technique後,其中59顆牙在治療後沒有症狀,但有1顆牙在施作後一年半時發現有abscess,故臨床成功率為98.3%。依照“性別”分組,男性的成功率為100%,女性則為96.7%,其P值為1.0。依照“年紀”分組,5歲患者的成功率為83.3%,其餘各年紀皆為100%,P值為0.27。依照“牙位”分組,右上乳第一臼齒的成功率為87.5%,其餘各牙位皆為100%,P值為0.42。依照“蛀牙深度”分組,蛀牙深度沒超過牙本質1/2的成功率100%,而深度超過牙本質1/2但未到pulp的成功率則為95.8%,P值為0.44。結論:本研究發現患者使用The Hall Technique的臨床成功率為98.3%,但是其成功率和年紀、性別、牙位、蛀牙深度等因素在統計上皆無顯著相關性。


Objectives: The Hall Technique is a simplified method of managing carious primary molars using Stainless Steel Crown (SSC) cemented without anesthesia, caries removal or tooth preparation, effectively avoiding patients' fear and anxiety. The purpose of this study is to explore the success rate of The Hall Technique and its correlation with age, gender, tooth position, and depth of tooth decay. Methodology: In this study, 82 teeth were collected, all of which were treated with The Hall Technique at the Pediatric Dentistry Department of The Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. However, 22 teeth were excluded due to the limited observation time (less than 2 years), with 60 teeth remained for research in this study. Result: 59 of the 60 teeth were asymptomatic after the Hall Technique treatment with one tooth found to have abscess in 1.5 years, implying a clinical success rate of 98.3%. Based on the "gender" grouping, the success rate of men was 100% while that of women was 96.7%, with a p-value of 1.0. According to the "age" classification, the success rate of the 5-year-old patients was 83.3% whereas the rates of other age groups were 100%, with a p-value of 0.27. In the "tooth position" category, the success rate of the right upper first molar was 87.5%, and the equivalents of other tooth positions were 100%, with a p-value of 0.42. Considering the "tooth decay depth" factor, the success rate of tooth decay depth not exceeding 1/2 of dentin was 100% yet the success rate of depth exceeding 1/2 of dentin but not reaching pulp was 95.8%, with a p-value of 0.44. Conclusion: In this study, the clinical success rate of patients using The Hall Technique was 98.3%. There was no statistically significant difference in the correlation between the success rate and factors such as age, gender, tooth position, and the depth of tooth decay.
