  • 期刊

Korea's FTA Policy and Negotiating Korea-EU FTA

南韓FTA政策與南韓-EU FTA談判


自1990年代末期起,南韓即開始試圖與其貿易伙伴簽訂自由貿易協定(free trade agreement,簡稱FTA)。南韓最近與歐洲聯盟(European Union,簡稱EU)完成FTA的簽署,這對南韓而言意義重大,因為南韓與EU貿易擁有最龐大的順差,而EU是南韓海外直接投資(foreign direct investment,簡稱FDI)的最大來源。此項FTA是典型的已開發經濟體間的全面而先進並經過審慎協商而簽署的FTA,將有助於調和阻礙貿易的管理政策以及開放服務業市場。南韓是現今唯一擁有龐大工業能力而同時能成功地與美國和EU完成FTA的國家。本文主旨在簡介南韓的FTA政策,尤其是聚焦於南韓與EU的FTA以及該協定對兩造貿易政策的衝擊。第一節將簡述南韓FTA政策的發展,並闡明南韓何以在1990年代末期開始加入FTA簽署熱。第二節在論述EU的FTA政策之發展,尤其著重於EU決定在2000年中期採取積極FTA的政策理由。第三、四節則在剖析南韓與EU進行FTA談判的來龍去脈以及簽訂雙邊FTA後對南韓與EU兩方經濟所產生的預期影響。


Since late 90s, Korea has sought for FTA with its trade partners. Korea-EU FTA, recently finalized, is particularly important for Korea, because Korea has been recording the most important trade surplus with the EU and the investment of the latter accounts for the largest part of inward FDI to Korea. The FTA is typical example of comprehensive and advanced FTA between developed countries conceived in carefully constructed FTA policies. It contributes to harmonizing trade-impeding regulatory policies and liberalizing service markets. Korea is now the only country with large industrial capacity that negotiated successfully FTAs both with US and EU. In this sense, Korea-EU FTA provided both US and EU with occasions to converge in their FTA terms, which can make a reference case for future FTAs.


Korea European Union FTA trade liberalization


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(ACEA. 2009. Open letter. September).
Bergsten, C. Fred(1996).Competitive Liberalization and Global Free Trade: a Vision for the early 21st Century.,未出版Peterson Institute for International Economics.
(BusinessEurope. 2007. Position Paper on the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement. (July 18)).
