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Global Language Policy, Identity, and Social Justice Issues


本研究報告綜合文獻探討和研究者所做的質的深度研究—訪談六位留美的國際學生—來探究「英語唯一」的全球語言政策(global language policy)的本質。透過整合本研究的發現,本研究報告以交織文獻回顧的方式來探討英語為全球語言的語言政策和其對研究參與者的認同影響,並且提出對全球語言教育(global language education)的建議。本研究發現在六位研究參與者中,有五位參與者認為以英語為全球語言的政策已經使一些以英語為母語的美國人內化優越感,並且視較不標準的口語英語能力為一種缺憾。本篇質的研究也發現以英語為全球語言的政策是不利於本研究參與者的,因為這樣的語言政策讓他們遭受到以英語為母語的美國人的排斥,並且使參與者內化劣等感,只是因為他們的英語口語能力不足。因此,「英語唯一」的全球語言政策也牽涉到認同和社會正義課題。此語言政策的本質並非全無爭議性,所以以英語為第二語言的學習者有必要批判性思考「英語唯一」的全球語言政策。根據本研究的發現,本論文報告也討論了運用批判性教學法(critical pedagogy)和將「聲張自己說話的權力」(claiming right to speak)納入語言能力的重要性。


This paper attempts to explore the nature of some aspects of the ”English only” global language policy from a synthesis of a review of the literature and independent qualitative research conducted by this author with six international students in the United States about their perceptions of the impact of the global language policy on their identities. Through the integration of these findings, this paper presents an interwoven discussion on global language policy and second-language education and has some suggestions for second-language educators. This study found that five of the participants perceived that global language policy has conversely made some native English-speaking Americans internalize a sense of superiority and treat the participants' less-than-standard oral English proficiency as a character deficiency. The findings of the qualitative study also indicate that the global language policy is detrimental to the participants because this policy created an environment in which they experienced the social exclusionary practices of native English speaking Americans and contributed to their internalization of the idea that they were inferior due to their less-than-standard oral English proficiency. Therefore, this policy involves social justice and identity issues. Because of the problematic nature of global language policy, it is important for second-language learners to develop an enhanced awareness for using critical thinking skills to examine the nature of a global language policy from perspectives other than those offered by its proponents. Based on the findings of the study, this paper also presents a discussion of the significance of implementing critical pedagogy in second-language classrooms and integrating ”claiming right to speak” into second language competence.
