  • 期刊


Badminton Love Forever: On- and Off-Court Life of the Women Golden Double


擔任羽球選手十幾年的筆者,於2008 年9 月22 日發現一則又驚又喜的報導,我國黃金女雙榮登世界球后,開創歷年新紀錄。事隔兩個月,竟看見令人訝異的報導:「應要求合作程簡宛如離婚伴侶」,這樣聳動的新聞標題,不禁讓筆者思考,究竟她們場下、場上的角色及互動情形是如何?本研究主要探討黃金女雙如何榮獲世界第一的殊榮,期望藉此幫助選手們有更大的啟發。本研究採內容分析法,針對相關資料及訪談進行分析,釐清黃金女雙場下、場上的角色及互動情形。得到初步發現:兩人的角色大不相同,場下「相敬如賓」,場上卻宛如「老夫老妻」。場下兩人在不同的環境成長,但卻有共同需要達成之目標,克服長時間分隔兩地的訓練方式,讓彼此更加珍惜自我訓練機會,提升自我技能,彌補默契培養的機會,在困難的情況下依然表現亮眼。場上技術足以彌補生活上甚少交集的狀況,在雙方互利的情況下,展現彼此場上技術及觀念的特性,才是重要的成功因素。黃金女雙場上技術的「特色」,加上彼此合作、互補之下表現「出色」,並產生默契十足的強攻畫面,這也是她們致勝的關鍵;再者,責任和夢想是她們在場上堅持的動力,對於「國家」的使命感,使她們燃燒起並肩前進的力量,方能塑造出「黃金女雙」的美名。


羽球 場下 場上 黃金女雙


I, being a badminton athlete for almost 20 years, was surprised at the stunning news of the women golden double from Taiwan becoming the 2008 world No. 1. After breaking Taiwan's sport record, another shrugging news followed two months later, ”the Golden Double act like divorced couple on the brink of separation.” In order to inspire more young athletes, the author decided to investigate the interaction and roles between these two best players on Taiwan history ever. By analyzing training pattern and interview results, their success differs from everyone's common sense, and their invincible technique and remarkable coordination skills leads to their trophy. But the off-court life showed otherwise. There stranger-like relation makes people hard to believe the reason of their flawless cooperation. The different childhood experiences of two domestic clubs between Jian Yu-Jin and Chen Wen-Hsin made their different personalities. They soon realize that in order to win, self demanding and soaring fighting spirit are the key points to overcome limited training time. Although there is no any kind of off-court interaction, they still perform well when they are on-court. The honorable duty to represent Taiwan is the very reason to combine 2 unique individuals to fight with unlimited momentum in the future.


badminton interaction off-court on-court Women GoldenDouble


婁靖平,〈羽壇新人新氣象廖晟勳 一戰成名不可思議 程文欣雙打奇才實力展現〉,《民生報》,2001年5月19日,B4 版。
雷光涵,〈小時拍檔再合作沒幾個月雙打排名就擠進世界第七程文欣、簡毓瑾羽壇驚豔〉,《聯合報》,2001 年10 月17 日,31版。
楊育欣,〈黃金女雙黑白裝先收著〉,《聯合報》,2009 年8 月28 日,B4 版。
