  • 期刊


A Loyal Minister to Cao Cao, but also a Traitor to the Han Dynasty: The "Loyalty" Evaluation of the Characters of Cao Wei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms




《三國演義》 曹魏 忠義 善惡 評點


This thesis focuses on the loyal ministers of Cao Wei in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" questioning the fine line between good and evil. Under the thought of 'Support Liu Bei, oppose Cao Cao', Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang dedicating their lives to Shu Han, while Huang Zong, Yan Yan and Jiang Wei defected to Shu Han from their original nations were praised by the novelist and the critics. Besides, should those who contributed to the traitor Cao Cao be called loyal ministers? In Chapter 6, Cao Cao was attacked while he was pursuing Dong Zhou alone and finally rescued by Cao Hong. The critic Li Zhi claimed that Cao Hong was not only a loyal minister to Cao Cao but also a traitor to the Han Dynasty. How to explain the morality of a character who remained loyal to Cao Wei and mutinied against Shu Han under the orthodoxy of the novelist? The author of the novel lamented that such great ministers as Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Pang De and so on were the stalwart supporters to rebels like Cao Cao suggesting the complex relationship of morality and loyalty. Thus, the thesis focuses on how the ministers of Cao Wei in the novel, the critical annotations and the reviews of readers challenge the traditional moral boundaries.


(漢)司馬遷撰,(日)瀧川龜太郎考證:《史記會注考證》(臺北:洪氏出版社,1986 年)。
(明)羅貫中:《三國演義》(臺北:桂冠圖書股份有限公司,1994 年)。
呂世浩:《從《史記》到《漢書》:轉折過程與歷史意義》(臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心,2009 年)。
李志宏:《「演義」—明代四大奇書敘事研究》(臺北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2019 年)。
