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The Classics, History, and Literature Connotations of Zhao Yun Worship in Taiwan




The culture of the Three Kingdoms has profound influence on Asian regions. In particular, worshipping Guan Yu has been popular. Zhao Yun, despite his lower popularity as a deified figure, has his followers. Currently, there are 37 temples worshipping Zhao Yun in Taiwan. Under the influence of the culture of the Three Kingdoms and the belief in Guan-Di, why Zhao Yun deification has developed merits exploration. This study identified that Zhao Yun in the historical records did not have an eventful biography. However, when the historical memories congregate into cultural memories, Zhao Yun became the bold "Zhao Zilong of Changshan," who held a silver spear in his hand and rode a white horse. After the cultural memories took shape, Zhao Yun became a target to be worshipped. In addition, the Zhao Yun worship in Taiwan demonstrates two characteristics, a religious implication of protecting lives and saving people and an embodiment of moral order to edify people to be benevolent as promoted in Confucian classics. The religious implication is the localization of mysterious experiences and folk belief, whereas the moral order embodiment refers to the internal value of deified Zhao Yun. As a means of edification through deification, Confucian classics and moral orders are exemplified through the perfect character image of Zhao Yun. The interwoven aspects of classics, history, and literature compose the fundamental connotations of Zhao Yun worship.


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(英)凱斯.詹京斯(Keith Jenkins)著,賈士蘅譯:《歷史的再思考》(ReThinking History)(臺北:麥田出版公司,1999 年)。
