  • 期刊


Space Display in the Creation of Qi Cosmology-Re-reading Wang Yan-shou's "Lu Ling Guang Dian Fu"




The palace construction praised in Wang Yanshou's "Lu Ling Guang Dian Fu" is a spatial structure that displays the creative process of universe. From stepping into the palace, Wang witnessed the chaos and the beginning of humanities. In the mean times, the achievements and reputation of Han dynasty were repositioned in the cosmology of qi. Based on the three stages of the creation of the universe "chaos-astronomy-humanities", as mentioned in "Lu Ling Guang Dian Fu", this article organizes Wang's touring experiences and discusses how the great cause of Han dynasty was formed by the palace building of praise. Finally, this article verifies that Ling Guang Dian, which transcends the vicissitudes of civilization and is comparable to Liu Yi, because it represents the will of Dao and blessed by deities. To Han Confucianism, this is the ultimate ideal for all human creation.


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賴錫三:〈《老子》的渾沌思想與倫理關懷〉,《臺大中文學報》第 49 期(2015 年 6 月),頁 1-42。(DOI:10.6281/NTUCL.2015.06.49.01)
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