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Modernity and Post-modernity of medical Humanities: following the Clue of medical Professionalism




The modern medical education emphasizes the practice of education as one of the rational activities, which should been well designed, evaluated based on students learning outcome. This educational framework gives no cause for criticism, because it does consist with the modern demand of evidence-based medical reasoning. But what we doubt is, could the same educational framework or calculate rationality to be the same foundation of medical humanities? This article will explore the post-modern dimension of medical humanities by following the cure of medical professionalism and uses the post-modern strategies to explain the tension and vagueness between medicine and humanities. We hope, through the deterritorialization of medicine and humanities, we can find the essence of medical humanities, and clarify the difference between general education and medical humanities. The former still belongs to the conception of modernity, and the latter is a product of post-modernity.
