  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationships Among Service Provision, Image and Behavioral Intention -A Case of Chimei Museum




This study aims to understand the perceived service provision, image and behavioral intention of Chimei museum visitors and further test their relationships. This is a questionnaire study by convenient samplings and the subjects were Chimei museum visitors from February 5 to March 5, 2016. 360 questionnaires were distributed and the final valid questionnaires were 345(96%). The result are as below: 1. Most of the respondents were unmarried female, age 20-29, college graduate, student, personal income less than NT$20,000 and lived in Southern Taiwan. 2. On the dimension of service provision, visitors placed higher value on "the visual appealing appearance of the building". "Chimei Museum has already established good image" got the highest average value on image dimension. On the dimensions of behavioral intention, tourists placed higher value on "I will recommend others to visit Chimei Museum". 3. There were some significant differences on service provision, image and behavioral intention while examining tourists’ age, income and companion. 4. There were positive correlations among service provision, image and behavioral intention.
