  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃崇興 徐木蘭


本研究報告共分五章,第一章就國際、國內博物館環境作一說明,國內環境部份,更以電話訪談方式收集219私立博物館之營運現況,分析目前國內私立博物館之開館之頻率、收費情形及参觀人數,此外並就研究動機及研究目的也作了闡述。 第二章就「博物館」、「私人博物館」、「行銷」及「博物館行銷」等關鍵詞逐一說明外,並將國家圖書館及台大圖書館中以「博物館」、「非營利組織」、「行銷」為關鍵詞,共整理出46篇期刊論文及6篇碩士論文,配合研讀其他博物館行銷之書籍參考書籍提出7Ps、SWOT、STP、 Bradford、McLean及周企妗戊晡姚]行銷理論,最後也對所嬝炊坐暰m提出評述。 第三章為探訪研究方法並說明本研究方法採質化研究中的標準化開放式訪談法,對調查工具、樣本選定的理由及樣本背景也逐節討論,其中並以本文整理的博物館行銷理論中的7Ps、SWOT及STP來設計訪談問卷,並以立意抽樣選定台南之奇美博物館及台北之朱銘美術館為個案樣本,根據深度訪談所擷取的初級資料及次級資料整理後在第四章作成資料分析,並歸納出幾項重點。 在結論的部份則依據研究結果提出私立博物館之行銷策略模組,就公 立博物館與私立博物館而言,雖然都屬博物館,但兩者在經營及行銷的策略上本質是不相同的,公立博物館由於有國家的預算作支撑,因此應著重在既有弁鄋漸[强與效率的提升,私立博物館完全仰賴本身的資源,因此應著重在資源取得的確定性,而在資源有限的狀況下私立博物館更應用心於行銷策略的製定。除了以上之行銷策略模組之建議外,並對政府提出三項建議以協助私立博物館行銷之推行。


私立 博物館 行銷策略


Abstract This research report includes five chapters: The first chapter reviews the current environment of Taiwan’s and international museums, and through the telephone interview of 219 private museums in Taiwan, the current operation of the private museums in Taiwan has been analyzed in the terms of the frequency of openness, the admission fee, and the numbers of visitors. Additionally, the motivation and purpose of the research are addressed. The second chapter explains the key terms of “museum”, “private museum”, and “museum marketing”, and by using the key terms of “museum”, “non-profit organization” and “marketing”, 46 periodical papers and 6 Master’s theses from the National Central Library and the National Taiwan University Library have been found and gathered. With other publications regarding museum marketing, the theories of 7Ps, SWOT, STP, and works by Bradford, McLean, and Chow Kong-Hsin have also been reviewed. The third chapter deals with the methodology of the research. The standard open-ended interview in qualitative research employed is explained and the survey tool, the reasons of sample choosing and the backgrounds of the samples are also discussed. Based on the museum marketing theories of 7Ps, SWOT, STP, the interview questionnaire is designed and the Chimei Art Museum in Tainan and the Chuming Museum in Taipei are chosen as the case study samples. The forth chapter analyzes the primary and secondary data collected from the in-depth interview, and several important points are induced. According to the research result, the conclusion suggests the marketing models for the private museums. Although similarly as museums, the management and marketing strategies of the private museums are different from that of the public ones intrinsically. With the support of government funding, the public museums should stress on enhancing the existed functions and increasing efficiency. The private museums should completely rely on their own resources, and stress on assuring their resources gaining. Under the circumstances of limited resources, the private museums should endeavors to plan marketing strategies. Besides the marketing models suggested above, three recommendations are proposed for the government to assist the private museums marketing themselves.


Marketing Private Museum


1. 王維梅 國立自然科學博物館行銷經驗之實務探討 台北市:博物館學季刊 第十三卷第三期 1999
5. 辛治寧 不祇是數位化而已-略談博物館網路(站)行銷 台北市:博物館學季刊 第十六卷第二期 2002
6. 呂秀玉 博物館行銷與學校團體-「以張大千、畢卡索東西藝術聯展」參觀為例
2. 王雅各 博物館與觀光文化 台北市:新世紀.新方向-博物館行銷研討會論文集 1998


