  • 期刊


The effects of elderly's attitudes and service behavior intention of the college students participated the community sports service




The purposes of this study were to investigated the personal reflection process and effects of elderly's attitudes and service behavior intention of the college students participated the community sports service. In this study, 10 college students participating sports service in community and lead 28 community elderly to carry out a 12-week exercise course. The research design was combining qualitative and quantity methods. The quantitative research used questionnaire methods to collect scale data of elderly's attitudes and service behavior intention of the college students. The dependent sample t test was used to analyze the difference between college students' participation in community sports services on the attitude of the elderly and service behavior intention before and after the test. The qualitative research used questions of "perspective transformation", "reflection report" and "learning experience" to collect the personal reflection process of college students participating in community sports services. The results of the study found that after college students participated in 12-week community sports service, in the interpersonal relationship and social participation of elderly's attitudes (p=.04) and service behavior intention (p=.03) had significant changes. The qualitative data content analysis found that college students experience changes in their personal reflection processes such as "perception of the elderly", "service motivation" and "self-worth". Based on the research results, this study puts forward relevant suggestions, hoping to serve as a reference for educational institutions to develop service-learning courses and future related research directions.


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