  • 期刊


Collaborative Instructional Leadership: A Case study of Elementary School Principal and Teacher Leaders




The study investigates the operating process of a collaborative instructional leadership team composed of principal and teacher leaders, and the professional growth of team members and school teachers during this process. This study presents a case study of a public elementary school in Eastern Taiwan. Seven participants from the school were interviewed including the principal, three teacher leaders, and three school teachers and the interview transcriptions were analyzed. This study reached five conclusions: 1) the collaborative instructional leadership team develops an effective learning through professional co-learning, collaboration and task orientation; 2) being non-restricted by the original role is crucial for the success of the collaborative instructional leadership team's internal operation ; 3) the conversion and fulfillment of role functions and the promotion of practice orientation are essential strategies for collaborative instructional leadership teams; 4) creating fair, sincere, and pragmatic conversation situations can build an effective communication platform for collaborative instructional leadership teams and school teachers; 5) the collaborative instructional leadership team's operation can simultaneously improve the professional knowledge and leadership willingness of team members and school teachers. Lastly, this study further proposed suggestions for practical application and future research.


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