  • 期刊


Correlation Study on Japanese Language Majoring Students' Reading anxiety and Reading Strategies|日本語文学科生の読解不安について-読解ストラテジーとの関連を中心に-




The purpose of this paper is to analyze reading anxiety on Japanese language majoring students through a questionnaire, to explore the reasons for their anxiety, and to investigate the use of reading strategies and to analyze the correlation between reading anxiety and reading strategies. The main findings of this study were that 6 factors were identified for reading anxiety and 10 factors were identified for reading strategies, and students from different backgrounds showed significant differences in some of the dimensions of reading anxiety or strategies, and the study also indicated that reading anxiety and reading strategies were either currently or negatively correlated. Based on the results of this study, we propose specific methods and strategies to reduce or eliminate reading anxiety in Japanese in order t o promote the development of Japanese reading instruction in Taiwan and to provide practical implications and guidance for improving Japanese reading comprehension skills of Japanese students.|本稿の目的は、台湾の日本語文学科生の読解への不安と読解ストラテジーの使用状況をアンケートで調査し、読解不安と読解ストラテジーの相関関係を分析することである。その結果、読解不安について6因子、読解ストラテジーについて10因子が抽出され、読解不安または読解ストラテジーのいくつかの因子において、異なる属性を持つ学生間で有意差があること、読解不安と読解ストラテジーとの間に正の相関または負の相関があることが明らかになった。本研究の結果に基づき、日本語の読解不安を軽減.解消するための具体的な方法.方策を提案し、台湾における日本語読解指導の発展を促すとともに、日本語学習者の読解力向上のための実践的な示唆を提供することができる。


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