  • 期刊


A Study on the Participation of Working Class Primary School Parents in School Education




Parents' participation in educational activities in schools or families can virtually improve students' living habits and learning achievements, which are the key factors for future children's success. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore whether there is a class difference between teachers 'expectations and parental participation. Working parents of working-class elementary school students who are currently enrolled in elementary school and actively participate in school affairs are the study participants. As follows: the enthusiasm of children's upbringing and school participation seems to be quite inadequate. Whether it is the child's character, homework or routine management, as long as there is no problem, the requirements will not be raised. In terms of participation in school affairs, although it is actively looking for related Activity information, but in terms of parent-teacher communication, it will be found that the interviewees dare not to propose reforms to the school system and obey the school's norms.


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