  • 期刊


The End is in the Beginning: The Narrative Basis of Hauerwas' Theology of Peace


This article mainly discusses the peace theology of Stanley Hauerwas from the narrative view, and expounds that Hauerwas' peace theology is built on the basis of Jesus' narrative by analyzing the relationship between peace and narrative. This narrative is based on a particular, even closed narrative of Christianity. Nevertheless, due to its openness reflected in Barth's Creationism and Yoder's Eschatology, it finally establishes a narrative peace which is a Christocentric "the end is in the beginning". According to which, Hauerwas' understanding of peace cannot be independent of Jesus' narrative or become a generally used abstract concept. With this premise, peace or nonviolence will not be a simple and straightforward definition, rather, it is significantly related to the narrative of Jesus, the kingdom of God, the church community and its practice. This complex narrative reveals that peace points to Christocentric Jesus narrative, it covers the whole course of the narrative from Creation to Eschatology, and also determines the practical and political significance of peace at present. "Nonresistance" and "giving up control" both symbolically and practically described Hauerwas' peace theology. It is important to keep in mind that, no description be independent of the particular narrative, without which, it is hard to understand how Hauerwas' peace becomes an eschatological ethic standing in the faith of God.


