  • 期刊


Narrative of the Development of a Preschool Teacher Professional Learning Community-Taking the Affiliated Preschool of an Elementary School that Won Gold Teaching Excellence Award in Green Energy Education as an example




This research aims to investigate and narrate the development of a preschool teacher professional learning community, and takes an energy education award-winning Elementary School Affiliated Preschool as an example to discuss the development of the professional teachers' learning community. This research is primarily based on qualitative research. By means of interviews, documentation, and observation notes, data was collected and organized, and the obtained research results are, as follows: 1.The development of the professional teachers' learning community at the Energy Elementary School Affiliated Preschool is categorized into three periods, namely the "sprout period", "nourish period" and "thrive period". 2.The operational motivation for the professional teachers' learning community at the energy education award-winning Elementary School Affiliated Preschool is categorized into three types, namely "administrative agency resources", "school organizational resources" and "teacher personal resources". 3.The professional growth of the professional teachers' learning community at the Energy Elementary School Affiliated Preschool is categorized into three major dimensions, namely "professional knowledge", "professional skills" and "professional attitude". Based on the conclusions, this research proposes suggestions for schools and teachers to establish professional teacher learning communities.


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