  • 期刊


A Study of Using Coordinate Transformation with Area Constraint Model to Improve the Efficiency of Land Revision


本研究針對台中市北屯圖解區的某一地段,採用附加面積限制條件之坐標轉換方式以進行研究分析,約制區塊的面積在經坐標轉換後與其現況面積相等。最後再與傳統坐標轉換法成果進行比較,藉此找出傳統法無法察覺之面積疑義處。 相對於傳統坐標轉換法,加入面積限制條件雖會使平面精度降低,但轉換後成果更接近現況面積(約制區塊平均較差由23.03平方公尺下降至0.81平方公尺)。檢視其成果後發現,在本研究實驗區中以傳統法判斷為超出公差的宗地中,有6%應在公差範圍內;而傳統法判斷為公差內的宗地中,則有5%是超出公差的。根據上述成果,爾後便能先針對這些有疑義的宗地,可利用土地複丈時,在予探討其不符原因,並據以釐清地籍資料,藉此達到提昇效率之目的。


This study used the coordinate transformation with area constraint to analyze one section of Beitun District, Taichung City. After limiting the block undergoing measurement, the area was equivalent to actual area after coordinate transfer. The transfer result was compared with traditional coordinate transfer result, so as to find out area queries that cannot be detected in traditional coordinate transfer result. The plane precision is lower than the traditional method, but compared to the traditional result, the area limited transformation result would be closer to actual area (i.e. the mean difference of limited blocks decreased from 23.03 m^2 to 0.81 m^2). According to the transformation method of this study, in the experimental area, 6% of over-tolerance land parcels determined by the traditional method were within the tolerance range; while 5% of in-tolerance land parcels were out of the tolerance range. According to the results found above, it can carry out land revision more purposely to improve the efficiency.
