  • 期刊


International Experiences of Bringing Languages Home: Scotland's Gaelic Family Language Plan


Tī家庭內進行母語ê世代傳承是語言復振ê重點。Tī語言流失ê狀況之下,家庭母語傳承需要家長具備母語意識、母語管理hām母語能力,才有法度tī厝裡傳承母語。毋過,母語能力、母語管理hām母語態度lóng毋是家己會主動生出來,需要積極規劃kah實踐才有法度達成。口號式ê母語轉去厝裡學tō好,這kan-na是無所作為、自生自滅ê安樂死政策。本文欲紹介ê蘇格蘭蓋爾語家庭語言計畫tō是積極介入培育母語家庭ê範例。透過規劃kap執行家庭母語政策,才有法度改變母語tī家庭流失ê狀況。本文一開始提出家庭母語袂自動完成,紲落強調家庭是母語閣活ê重點,提出重視家庭母語規劃ê國際趨勢;tī第三節紹介蘇格蘭ê蓋爾語家庭學習計畫內底ê蓋爾語家庭課程(Gaelic in the Home Course)、「加強型完全浸水式」("Total Immersion Plus", TIP)教學法kap「母語養成課程」(Altram Courses)ê理念hām做法。蘇格蘭ê家庭語言計畫顯示,挽救語言需要對症落藥,針對家庭語言做規劃,採取kek-hòng-hòng、放外外ê家庭語言政策會致使語言行向死亡。本文建議採用家庭語言計畫來進行家長培力,提升母語能力,具備母語意識hām了解家庭語言管理策略,hō家長會當tī家庭內進行母語ê傳承。


Intergenerational mother tongue transmission at home is the key to language revitalization. Parents often fail to pass down their mother tongue to children due to the lack of ability, awareness and strategy of mother tongue, which leads up to language shift. Language revitalization at home will not happen naturally; instead, it must be earned by parents through practicing family language plan. The slogan by politicians saying that "Learning mother tongue at home" (don't waste our precious school time for mother tongue learning) is simply a statement of letting mother tongue die. It will only lead to language death if no active support is given to empower parents. The aim of this article is to provide Scotland's experiences of family language plan, focusing on three aspects: Gaelic in the Home Course, Total Immersion Plus (TIP) and Altram Courses. Scotland's experiences show that family language can be and should be planned to reverse language shift and such plan could bring mother tongue home. Having family language plan is an important step to reverse language shift in Taiwan as the plan could empower parents' ability, awareness and management skill of the mother tongue.


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