  • 期刊


Introduction of the Food Safety and Sanitation Managements on Meat Products of United Kingdom


在肉品之食品安全衛生管理上,英國係以英格蘭環境及食品暨農村事務部(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA)以及食品標準局(Food Standards Agency, FSA,屬衛生大臣轄下)為國家中央主管機關,負責國家整體管理政策及法規之制定,以及跨部門協調與溝通,包括DEFRA及FSA與另外三邦之政府協調,以由DEFRA及FSA機關與人員進駐各邦執行國家政策、法令與措施,或以簽訂備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding, MOU)方式,委託邦政府所屬主管機關執行國家政策、法令與措施。主管機關依據法令,指派官方獸醫駐廠,監管業者依規定落實肉品之屠宰衛生以及食品安全衛生作業、依國家監測計畫執行採樣,並依規定檢查出廠產品與核發證明文件。英國於1973年加入歐洲聯盟(European Union, EU,簡稱歐盟),其在歐盟會員國期間,對於動物源性產品之食品安全與衛生相關管理規範與管理措施,係遵循歐盟以獸醫為主要管理者之管理體系與相關規定,包括輸出入管制、動物疾病監測與管制、動物識別、移動管理與追溯追蹤、食品安全衛生作業規範、食品微生物及化學殘留監測計畫、動物福利、輸出入查驗與證明文件等。英國動物屠宰場與肉品分切加工廠之駐場官方獸醫(Official Veterinarians, OVs),係由FSA聘用、派駐、指導及監督,此與多數歐盟會員國由農政部門管理不同。英國於2020年1月31日退出歐盟(Brexit,簡稱脫歐)後,仍然沿用歐盟食品安全衛生法規體系,一方面使英國食品安全管理維持既有體系運行,一方面維持英國脫歐後與歐盟各會員國之食品貿易得以延續。


The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Food Standards Agency (FSA) are the national competent authorities of food safety and sanitation managements on meat products, which are responsible for the overall national management policies and regulation, as well as cooperate and communicate with each other and national governments in the other three nations. DEFRA and FSA assign the officials to nations or entrust the national governments via the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to conduct the national policies, regulations and measures. The competent authorities supervise the food operators to comply with the slaughtered sanitary and food safety via official veterinarians enter and be stationed in the factories, and also sampling and monitoring the residue of the chemical, microorganism and environmental pollution in accordance with the national residue monitoring program. UK participated in European Union (EU) in 1973. As the membership of EU, the food safety and sanitation managements, and regulations of the animal-derived products in UK are complied with the veterinary management system and regulations of EU, including the imported and exported control, animal disease and exotic disease surveillance and control, animal identification and movement, traceability, food safety and hygiene control including microorganism, chemical or radioactive residue monitoring, animal by-product control, animal welfare and the imported and exported certificates, etc. The official veterinarians in animal slaughterhouse and meat processing plants are hired, assigned, directed and supervised by FSA, which is different from most of the EU countries that managed by the department of agriculture. After Brexit on Jan 31, 2020, the UK continuously adopted to the EU food safety and sanitary regulations, in order to maintain its existing food safety and sanitary managements and the regulations system, on the other hand, to maintain the food trade relationship between the EU members.
