  • 期刊


An Overview of Heavy Metal Contents Survey in Commercial Food Products in Taiwan, 2015-2018


為維護國人健康並監測市售食品中重金屬含量,衛生福利部發布訂定之「食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準」自108年1月1日正式實施。本研究為探討食品中重金屬限量標準修訂後之檢出率變化,針對新修訂之重金屬標準加強抽驗,其中抽樣食米及水產品各102及153件檢驗無機砷含量,結果平均值分別為0.065 mg/kg及0.004 mg/kg,其檢出量均符合衛生標準之限量規定。另,本研究參考歷年監測結果,針對高風險產品列為重點監測對象,結果2件水產品檢出甲基汞不合格,3件皮蛋分別檢出重金屬鉛及銅超出限量標準,不合格產品均已從食物鏈中移除。觀察歷年水產品甲基汞含量呈現微幅上升情形,但綜觀各項檢驗結果之平均值,本年度合格率仍高達99.1%,民眾毋須顧慮重金屬超標食品之健康危害,未來將持續執行食品中重金屬含量監測工作。


食品 重金屬 限量標準


In order to promote public health and monitor heavy metal contents of commercial food products in Taiwan, the "Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food" has been released and implemented on January 1, 2019 by Ministry of Health and Welfare. This study is aimed to monitor the contents of heavy metals in food after the new maximum limits have been amended. The samples of 102 rice and 153 aquatic products were collected and analyzed for the heavy metal contents, and the results showed that the average inorganic arsenic content was 0.065 mg/kg (rice) and 0.004 mg/kg (aquatic products). Only 5 samples, including 2 fish samples and 3 century-egg samples, failed to comply with the requirement, which were subsequently removed from the market. Although the detected content of methylmercury in fish has increased slightly over years, the heavy metal concentration was below the maximum limits and the compliance rate was 99.1% in the study.


food heavy metal maximum limit
