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Application of GIS for Risk Assessment of Critical Emergency Ambulance at Urban Fringe




The Emergency Medical System plays an indispensable and important role in continuing life when urgent treatment is needed at the ambulance scene in the face of sudden emergency injuries. If the basic vital signs of the injured patient can be maintained within the allowable time before arriving at hospital, in addition to greatly improving the subsequent medical efficiency, it will also relatively reduce the risk of death. However, it is the purpose of this study to determine whether the fringe areas far from urban transportation hubs can achieve the above standards within a certain period of time and have consummate quality of residential security. Therefore, the Neihu District on the eastern edge of Taipei City is chosen as the research object, and apply geographic information system (GIS) to set the service areas of each fire station and medical base. By the distribution ratio of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), cerebrovascular diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, the risk matrix model is used to evaluate the degree of risk for emergency care of critical illnesses. Based on this study, it is recommended that government agencies take the necessary measures to reduce risks for each region.


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