  • 期刊


The Effect of Health Promotion and Weight Management by Brisk Walking in University Freshmen





Purpose: the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of health promotion and weight management by brisk walking in university freshmen. Methods: the population was the freshmen enrolled from Kunshan University of technology in 2009. Subject's BMI>24 were recruited to the program. The total number of the participants including both male and female students was 1084. In this research, every participant would receive more than 30 minutes' brisk walking training twice a week. The pre-test was conducted after the beginning of the new term, then mid-test came six weeks later, another six weeks later was the post-test. The whole test lasted for 12 weeks. The distance of their brisk walking was 3,200 meters. The exercise intensity was arranged according to the rule of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), that is, the maximal heat rate (220-age) should among 50% to 90%. More over, the principle of progressive training was obeyed to avoid the trainees to get hurt from exercising. Result: after 12 weeks' experiment in this study, the values of every variable in pre-test, mid-test and post-test all have reached significant difference. The result of this research shows that nordic walking can improve one's body weight, body mass index and waistline and percentage of body fat effectively. Conclusion: this research discovers that the overweight freshmen participants tended to decline in their body weight, BMI and waist and percentage of body fat after 12 weeks' brisk walking training. The reason why today's university students exercise less and became overweight was that they suffered from much homework pressure and stayed in front of a computer and a TV for a long time. Therefore, if one wants to keep a good body weight, he or she must form a good and regular exercise habit.
