  • 期刊


From City to the World: The Study on the Ambition and Preparation of Overseas Internship System in TPCU


本研究旨在瞭解科技大學推動海外實習制度時,探討學生對於海外實習的態度、意向、認識與準備,並透過不同學院與不同科系背景的學生,對於其海外實習的態度與準備,進行比較分析。本研究結論與建議,希望可以提供學校對於海外實習的安排,更為妥善與符合學生的需求,並在瞭解學生對於海外實習的期待與準備後,可針對學生與海外實習之間的學用落差,具有針對性的進行輔導,亦可提出促進海外實習的改善建議。本研究透過SPSS統計軟體的分析,針對臺北城市科技大學大一學生,在入學後第一學期,進行問卷調查,再分別以基本分析、交叉分析,並透過卡方檢定(Chi-square Test)等統計方法進行資料驗證,研究結果如下:(1)有52.7%的學生有意赴海外實習,47.3%的學生不想赴海外實習,無意實習的原因前三大原因為外語不好、想在國內實習和只想單純完成學業,(2)學生最想赴海外實習的國家依序為日本、澳洲與韓國。(3)學生準備赴海外實習,最常遭遇的問題依序是語言能力不足、表達能力不好與擔心口試不會過。(4)外語不好、自尋找工管道、家人反對、企圖心不足、學長姊不推薦、無適合職缺等,的確影響到學生赴海外實習之意願。(5)不同學院與不同科系學生對於赴海外實習的意願與想法,有著顯著的差異;本研究最後亦提出幾項建議,提供改善海外實習推動制度的參考。




The major purpose of this study is to understand the ambition and preparation of overseas internship system in Taipei City University of Science and Technology. This study surveys on students from different colleges and departments who studied over one semester in TPCU. Followed by the basic and comparative analysis as well as Chi-square Test, this research is conducted to understand the ambition and preparation of students. According to the empirical results, this study could provide some suggestions on improving the overseas internship system. Firstly, 52.7% of students intended to internship aboard and 47.3% did not. The main reasons of unwilling to internship abroad are foreign language incapability, domestic internship alternative and diploma oriented. Next, the countries where students most want to go aboard for internships are Japan, Australia and Korea. Then, students encounter difficulties in poor foreign language competence and communication skills as well as the fear of oral interview in foreign language. Besides, except for foreign language issue, some other factors indeed influence the intention to go overseas for internship such as self seeking part-time job, family objection, lack of aggressiveness, suggestions from senior students, no suitable job openings and so on. There are significant differences in the willingness and ideas of students among distinct colleges and departments.




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