  • 期刊


The Role of Mother in Autistic Performers' Musical Talent Development




母職 音樂才能 自閉症者


The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of mother in developing Autistic Performers' musical talent development. Despite the challenges met by the mothers, the mothers able to overcome it and nurture outstanding musical talent in their autistic children. Parenting an autistic child is full of heightened stress and it caused low parenting self-efficacy amongst the mothers. Based on the paradigm of talent development, this research implied case study as research method with two mothers as subject of study who successfully fostered autistic pianists that showed excellent musical talent. Both of the autistic pianists won medals in international level piano competition for person with special need, and was invited to perform nationwide and abroad. The mothers of these two outstanding pianists - Case A and Case Bare the main subject of this study. Apart of the achievement in their children, Case A had been awarded as "Ten-most Influential Mother" by Taiwan Disability-free Association, Case B was the founder of "Japanese Autistic Musician Society". Semi-structure interview was used as the primary source of the findings, with the implication of constant comparative method throughout the research process. The finding of the research shows the mothers act as bridge between the autistic pianist and the teacher and well as other related person throughout the musical talent development. Although Case A and Case B showed different in national and family background, they possessed perseverance, foresight, managing skill, influential characters throughout the supporting process. With the above character, they can fulfill the factors need in autistic pianist's musical talent development. The success in musical talent changed the life of autistic pianists and brought light to the life of mothers. Suggestions for educators and parents in supporting musical talent development of autistic musicians will be provided based on the findings.


Autism Parenting Musical Talent Development


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