  • 期刊


The Relationships Among Mental Health Literacy, Mobile Phone Use, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction of Elderly People




Taiwan has become an aged society. Social care and welfare policies of elderly people are now receiving attention, and active aging is receiving even more recognition. The focus of this study is on the relationships among mental health literacy, mobile phone use, self-esteem, and life satisfaction of elderly people. The researcher used questionnaire surveys to collect elderly people's perceptions on life satisfaction and related factors, thereby exploring the relationships among mental health literacy, mobile phone use, and self-esteem; we also employed the partial least square regression method to test for the validity and reliability of the statistics on the latent factors and path relationships. The results indicate that the mental health literacy of elderly people positively affects their self-esteem and improves their mental health. The use of mobile phones positively affects the self-esteem of elderly people, because the universal accessibility of mobile phones reduces their social isolation. Mental health literacy positively affects the life satisfaction of elderly people, and improving the quality of mental health literacy can effectively reduce their depression caused by disease as well as improve their life satisfaction. The use of mobile phones positively affects their life satisfaction. Elderly people can improve their life satisfaction by connecting with others through social media. Self-esteem positively affects life satisfaction, and receiving positive evaluation in life improves the life satisfaction of elderly people.


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