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Taekwondo Techniques and Tactics Analysis of the 2017 Summer Universiade


目的:跆拳道對打比賽項目為雙人對戰模式,過去研究以分析個人的技術為主,缺少對手的技術反應,本研究將納入雙方在同一個動態中的得分技術及失分技術,形成戰術,同時分析2017年世界大學運動會跆拳道對打金牌選手與中華臺北代表隊選手在技術及戰術動作的表現及差異性,作為教練選手們在訓練或比賽中之參考及未來技術分析之方向。方法:本研究針對2017年世大運進行個案分析(case studies),金牌選手及台灣選手共計36人,在攻擊型態、部位、連續性及專長腳之得分模式進行劃記,以次數分配表呈現,再以不同得分模式結果問題訪談台灣代表隊教練共計4人,最後此資料進行比較及詮釋。結果:一、本研究的金牌選手及臺灣選手的得分方式皆以主動、中端、單擊為主、前後腳得分數相近。二、金牌選手在被動、主動及主動、防禦;中端、中端;單擊、單擊;後腳、防禦與前腳、前腳之得失模式為主,敗方選手均無法有效以手部防禦金牌選手攻擊。三、臺灣選手在主動、被動;中端、中端及上端、中端;單擊、單擊及連擊、單擊;前腳、前腳之得失模式為主,主動前腳中端變化上端的連續動作去誘導對方的單擊的技術動作為主。結論與建議:一、主動、中端、單擊、前後腳運用平均為目前跆拳道比賽得分趨勢。二、敗方選手均無法有效以手部防禦金牌選手攻擊,金牌選手在主動攻擊的時間差、距離及力量等掌控優於臺灣選手。三、建議臺灣選手除了保持原有的得失分模式,尚須強化前後腳均衡運用並提升直接得分的攻擊能力。


個案分析 攻擊型態 訓練


Purpose: Taekwondo game is an one-on-one competition. The research in the past focused on analyzing the techniques of individual player but lacked the reaction of the opponent. This study introduced the scoring pattern from the tactics of both scoring and losing sides within a single dynamic action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference of techniques and tactics between gold medalists and Chinese Taipei athletes in 2017 Universiade Taekwondo. The result could be a direction of future technical analysis and in-game or training references for Taekwondo coaches and athletes. Methods: This research adopted observational method on filming video contents by descriptive statistics to record 16 Chinese Taipei athletics and 16 gold medalists' attack patterns, zones, feet, and attack continuation. Referring to the interviews with 4 Chinese Taipei coaches on the result of scoring pattern statistics, final data were analyzed through triangulation by comparison and interpretation. Results: 1. Gold medalists and Chinese Taipei athletes scored mainly with active, middle body, and single attack while front and back foot were balanced. 2. Gold medalists were good at the following scoring patterns: counter attack versus active attack, active attack versus hand defend, trunk attack versus trunk attack, single attacks versus single attack, back feet versus hand defend, front feet attack versus front feet attack. The losers could not effectively defend with hands against the attacks from the gold medalists. 3. Chinese Taipei athletes were good at the following scoring patterns: active attack versus counter attack, trunk attack versus trunk attack, head attack versus trunk attack, single attacks versus single attack, continuous attacks versus single attack, front feet attack versus front feet attack. Chinese Taipei athletes were good at applying continuous attacks of front food side kicks or trunk to head attacks to seduce the opponents to utilize single kick. Conclusion: 1. Active, middle body, single attack, and front and back foot balanced were current trends in taekwondo competition. 2. The losers could not effectively defend the attacks from the gold medalists by hand. This could be assumed that gold medalists outperform Chinese Taipei athletes in the timing, distance measurement and strength of active attacks. 3. Suggestion to the Chinese Taipei athletes is that, besides the original the scoring patterns, try to enhance on front and back foot balancing and improve the ability to score with active attacks.


case studies attack patterns training
