  • 期刊


Local Government and Society as Seen from Official Handbooks of Imperial China: A Critical Review of Pierre-Étienne Will's Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography


魏丕信(Pierre-Étienne Will)先生歷時30年編撰的《帝制中國官箴、指南、公牘評註書目》(Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography)是一部關於帝制中國政府行政學研究的具有方法論意義的書目。它收集、整理了從唐代至民國留存下來的1,165種相關文獻,尤其是涉及地方政府行政技術的各類文本,並進行了逐一評註與歸類。本文將結合書評與訪談兩種形式,對這部研究型的巨著加以綜合性的分析與討論。第一部分將對該書目的整體結構及文獻數據,進行一種圖表式的綜述,並對其主要貢獻做一個整體的評價;第二部分著重描述文獻的七大分類及其主要特徵;第三部分就書目所提出的相關問題與魏丕信先生通過訪談方式做更深入的討論。


帝制中國 行政學 地方政府 官箴 指南 公牘


Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography compiled by Pierre-Étienne Will and his collaborators over nearly thirty years, provide a descriptive list of 1,165 entries of extant manuscript and printed works from the Tang dynasty to the Republic of China, that were produced with the aim to instruct officials and other administrators of imperial China about the technical and ethical aspects of government, and to provide tools and guides to help with the relevant procedures. The way the documents are classified and discussed makes this bibliography a work of with methodological significance for the study of the science of government in imperial China, especially regarding local government. This article combines a book review with an interview in order to introduce more comprehensively this research-oriented bibliography. The first part provides a graphical overview of the collected data and assesses the main contribution of this work. The second part describes in a more detailed way the classification of materials as well as the general characteristics of each category. The third part delves into specific issues through an in-depth interview with the author.


清.汪輝祖,《學治臆說》,收於《官箴書集成》冊 5,合肥,黃山書社,1997,影印清同治 10 年(1871)慎間堂刻汪龍莊先生遺書本。
清,汪輝祖,《學治說贅》,收於《官箴書集成》冊 5,合肥,黃山書社,1997,影印清同治 10 年(1871)慎間堂刻汪龍莊先生遺書本。
清.壁昌,《壁勤襄公遺書.牧令要訣》,天津,天津圖書館藏清咸豐 9 年(1859)刻本。
田濤主編,岑詠芳、王家茜助編,魏丕信(Pierre-Étienne Will)監修,《法蘭西學院漢學研究所藏漢籍善本書目提要》,北京,中華書局,2002。
