  • 學位論文


An Interoperable Object-based Information Feedback System for BIM Model Modification

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


BIM (Building Information Modeling)模型由分屬各種領域的(multidisciplinary)模型元件(model element)所構成,模型元件則包含眾多參數化屬性(parametric attributes),而參數化屬性又可分為定量的(quantitative)幾何資訊和定性的(qualitative)非幾何資訊等,故在BIM的技術面、流程面及應用面,資訊管理皆是不可或缺的重要議題。 BIM在資訊管理層面有兩大特色:其一為工程資訊的生命週期管理,因建築物或設施歷經規劃、設計、施工乃至營運維護等不同階段,其生命週期所涵蓋之時間相當長,而BIM模型又隨生命週期而有不同的發展程度(LOD, Level Of Development),故BIM模型的生命週期資訊量多且雜,恰好呼應近年來巨量資料(big data)的發展趨勢;其二為跨領域的(interdisciplinary)資訊整合,來自不同領域的專家透過協同作業使工程專案之效率提升,而領域知識(domain knowledge)不同則語意資訊(semantic information)亦不同。 因此,工程專案在生命週期中經常變動的特性使得BIM模型(即BIM模型元件中的參數化屬性)必須隨之修改或更新,而此般修改或更新又必須根據來自不同領域的利害關係人(stakeholder)所提供正確合宜之更新數據,故BIM模型的修改可謂一種資訊回饋的流程。 有鑑於BIM模型修改之異質(heterogenous)協同設計需求,本研究首先針對不同的BIM模型修改應用情境進行分析,並歸納提出「應用情境導向之資訊管理框架」,在此框架下可開發一「可互操作物件式資訊回饋系統」,以提升BIM模型修改或更新流程之效率。本系統以資料庫來管理回饋資訊,並設計相應的管理介面予模型管理者(model manager),讓其可透過本系統向利害關係人取得回饋資訊,並能在模型元件的物件層級(object-level)自動地修改或更新BIM模型,省去手動操作修改模型的繁複步驟。此外,本系統自行設計免綱要式(schema-free)的資料結構,並開發資訊回饋端的網路應用程式,以增強不同BIM工具之間的相互操作性(interoperability),而能滿足跨平台、非同步的(asynchronous)協同設計需求。


A BIM (Building Information Modeling) model consists of multidisciplinary model elements. A model element includes numerous parametric attributes, such as quantitative geometric information and qualitative non-geometric information. Hence, information management is a significant issue for BIM technology, process, and applications. There are two key features of information management with regard to BIM: lifecycle management of engineering information and integration of interdisciplinary information. Due to the long time span of a building lifecycle through different phases, from project planning, design, construction, to operation and maintenance, there is an abundance of complicated lifecycle information with regard to the model elements with different LODs (Level Of Development). In addition, different disciplines provide a variety of domain knowledge, and the productivity and efficiency increase through collaboration among domain experts. The semantic information is also diverse in accordance with the differences in domain knowledge. In sum, a BIM model always needs to be modified or updated because of the frequent changes in a building project lifecycle. In other words, the parametric attributes within the model elements need to be modified or updated. The aforementioned process can be defined as information feedbacks because each modification or update is based on the correct data provided by stakeholders from different domains. Concerning the needs for collaboration of BIM model modification, this research conducted a scenario analysis and proposed a scenario-oriented information management framework. Based on the framework, an interoperable object-based information feedback system was developed to improve the efficiency of the process. This system managed the feedback information by using a database approach. A corresponding management user interface was designed for a model manager to manipulate feedback information provided by stakeholders. A BIM model could also be automatically modified or updated at object-level of its model elements through the designed system instead of operating the model modification manually. In addition, this research designed a unique schema-free data structures and developed a web application for the information feedback end in order to enhance the interoperability among different BIM tools and fulfill the needs for cross-platform and asynchronous collaboration.


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