  • 學位論文


Smartphone-based Wearable ECG Recorder

指導教授 : 趙福杉


心臟疾病為全球最大死因,是現代人不容忽視的問題。在眾多的診斷方法中,心電圖由於具有非侵入性及連續量測之優點而成為最廣泛的應用。本文探討智慧型手機作為穿戴式心電圖記錄器之系統。本系統量測第二導程(Lead II)之心電圖(Electrocardiography, ECG)訊號,並透過2.4 GHz無線傳輸技術,實現以手機即時觀看心電圖波形,成為一套個人化的穿戴式心電圖記錄器系統。   本系統由類比心電圖量測電路、EPS32 DEVKIT V1開發板及智慧型手機之APP所組成。在硬體方面採用ESP-32作為主控晶片,其中內含了類比數位轉換器(Analog-to-Digital Converter, ADC)及Wi-Fi、藍牙雙模組,可以將類比心電圖的訊號數位化,並傳輸至智慧型手機端。使用者介面以示波器之形式呈現,操作方式及畫面呈現皆與示波器相似。直覺式的操作方式,簡單、易上手,大幅降低使用者之學習難度。   本系統低功率電路與小型化設計,達成了一個低功率消耗、精巧便於攜帶之穿戴式心電圖即時記錄系統,有利於穿戴式無線傳輸記錄系統之應用。期許本系統的完成,能提供醫療器材應用於物聯網(Internet of Things, IOT)之可能性,對未來醫護人員使用穿戴式醫療器材有所助益。


智慧型手機 穿戴式 心電圖


Heart disease is the major cause of death in the world, and is most important issues. Among the many diagnostic methods, the Electrocardiography (ECG) is widely used due to its a non-invasive nature of measurement. This study aims to develop a wearable ECG recorder system based on a smartphone. This system measures the Lead II ECG signal. Through the 2.4 GHz wireless transmission technology, the recorded ECG were displayed on a smartphone, becoming a personalized wearable ECG recorder system. This system consists of an amplifier and filter circuits, EPS32 DEVKIT V1 development board, and an APP for smartphones. The ESP-32 is used as the main control chip, which contains an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth modules. It can digitize the ECG signal and then transmitted to the smartphone. The user interface is designed in analogous to the operation of an oscilloscope. Operation and screen display are very similar to oscilloscope. The user-friendly operation method is simple and easy to use, which greatly reduces the learning difficulty of users. A wearable ECG real-time recording system with low-power consumption, compact and easy to carry were implemented in this thesis. The system will provide the possibility of applying medical equipment to the Internet of Things (IOT), which will be helpful for medical staff to use wearable medical equipment in the future.


Smartphone Wearable ECG


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