  • 學位論文


Applying Ontology and AHP to Establish the Curriculum Framework of Agricultural Environmental Education

指導教授 : 游以德


本研究以本體論(Ontology)發展農業環境教育課程架構,並以層級分析法(AHP)進行問卷設計及調查,問卷對象包含學術界及政府單位專家學者共40份有效問卷,計算分析課程架構權重,建立農業環境教育課程權重體系架構,據此設計120小時農業環境教育訓練課程。 課程架構共分三階層,第一階層為目標層,旨在建立農業教育課程架構;第二階層為領域層,共五大領域,分別為農業自然環境領域、農業生產技術領域、農業生產與環境領域、農業經營與管理領域、農業政策與法規領域;第三階層為要素層,分列於五大領域下共16項要素,依專家學者問卷分析結果進行要素重要性排序,依序為生物環境、農業污染與防治、生物多樣性、氣候環境、永續農業、有機農業、植物病蟲害、水資源、作物生產概論、土壤資源、作物生產各論、經營管理、農業政策、農業法規、休閒農業、造園與景觀。 依研究所獲之結論,提出相關建議,以供行政院農委會及行政院環境保護署推動農業環境教育專業領域認證以及未來研究參考。


In this research, Ontology was applied to develop framework of educational curriculum for agriculture and environment. Moreover, questionnaire was designed to investigate the survey by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the survey, 40 valid questionnaires, which were answered by scholars and governmental experts, were collected. The weighting system of framework of educational curriculum for agriculture and environment was developed based on the results of questionnaires. Further analyses were conducted and a 120-hours training course is designed for agricultural and environmental education. The courses are divided into three levels. The first level is target layer. The purpose of target layer is to establish framework of educational curriculum for agriculture and environment. The second level is the domain layer divided into five areas, including environment of agriculture, technology of agricultural production, agricultural production and environment, operation and management of agriculture, and policy and regulation of agriculture. The third level is fundamental layer. which include 16 elements within five areas. Based on the results of AHP , the importance of elements are arranged sequentially. The order is biological environment, prevention and control of agricultural pollution, biodiversity, climate and environment, sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture, plant diseases and insect pest, water resources, introduction to crop production ,soil resources, special crop production, agricultural management, agricultural policy, agricultural regulations, leisure agriculture, landscape. According to the research conclusion, suggestions were made and provided to COA and EPA for promoting professional certification of Agricultural Environmental Education.


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