  • 學位論文


Reconstructing China: Prasenjit Duara and His China Studies in America

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本研究嘗試探索杜贊奇(Prasenjit Duara)從事中國研究的經驗和成就,冀圖一窺這位美國印度裔學者對中國研究學術典範的撞擊、批判與自我超越。 中國的反帝運動和共產革命擴及印度,吸引了杜贊奇投入到中國、特別是中國鄉村的研究中去。杜贊奇看到了中國社會面對西方時的生命力和能動性,這與他的印度經驗形成了鮮明的對比,激發了他的中國研究議程。在美國的生活促使杜贊奇在承認現代西方思想認識論的基礎上,部分地接受又部分地批判現代性中的霸權話語。同時,他也反對馬克思主義對後殖民身份政治的解構,並批評馬克思主義者從全球政治經濟學的角度,運用先入為主的「結構」來瓦解後殖民作家批判話語的意義和努力。本研究最後選擇將兩位與杜贊奇關係密切的學者:裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry)和德里克(Arif Dirlik)作為對照組,用以定位出杜贊奇中國研究的獨特性。本研究發現,中印的比較性研究是杜贊奇學術生涯中貫穿始終的問題意識。印度的背景給了他一個從母國經驗出發,思考中國如何開展革命、應對西方現代性的角度。在三人之中,杜贊奇的學術觀點處於中間位置:中國革命是推動上個世紀民族國家建設的動力,中國的國家與社會是相互鑲嵌的和共生的。但他們都受到研究中國革命和國家與社會關係的學術趨勢的影響,都期望中國走向民主化和公民社會。因此,中國研究作為一種資源,促使杜贊奇尋找後殖民國家獨特的革命之路和國家-社會關係。杜贊奇希望從中國的經驗出發,抵制右翼民族主義和法西斯霸權。近年來,杜贊奇在新加坡國立大學和AAS的工作經歷促使他實現自我超越與突破。這不僅可見於他對既有區域研究、中國研究範疇的超越,更體現在他對亞洲傳統的關懷之上。杜贊奇對希望藉由思考亞洲「流轉的歷史」(circulatory history)和「對話式超越」(dialogical transcendence)的傳統,思索東西方現代性的對話,進而探討人與人、人與環境的永續發展之道。


This thesis explores Prasenjit Duara’s academic experience and achievement in China studies. It demonstrates the relations between India, China studies, and researchers. It argues that the history of contemporary Indian triggered his curiosity on how China did carry out its revolution and face Western modernity. And then, what inspired his China studies agenda is his academic life in America. His academic results reveal his alienation of Western modernity and critique of Chinese nationalism simultaneously. Duara critiqued the hegemonic discourses partially within modernity. At the same time, he refuted the Marxists’ opinions from deconstructing postcolonial identity politics. He contradicted that the Marxists applied preconceived ‘structures’ to dissolve the meaning and efforts of postcolonial writers’ critical discourse from the perspective of global political economics. Compared with Elizabeth J. Perry and Arif Dirlik, Duara stood at the in-between position. Duara advocated that the nature of the Chinese state-society relations is embedded and symbiotic. As a theoretic resource, China provided empirical evidence for him to found out alternative modernity. However, all of them were dedicated to the study of the Chinese revolution and the relations between the state and society. And they hoped that democratization and civil society could be seen in China. Duara did not emphasize the emancipatory function of nationalism nor maintain a long-term enthusiasm and expectation for the revolutionary movement. He preferred to extract empirical and theoretical resources from Chinese history to resist right-wing nationalism and fascists. To sum up, China and Chinese modern history indicated an alternative agenda of modernisation. In recent years, Duara worked at the National University of Singapore and AAS, these experiences prompted him to achieve self-transcendence and breakthrough. This is not only reflected in his transcendence of regional studies and China studies, but also in his study of Asian traditions. Duara explored the sustainable development of humankind by thinking about Asian ‘circulatory history’ and ‘dialogical transcendence’.


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