  • 學位論文


The Design of a Dynamic Positioning Controller Using Multi-Directional Thrusters for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Three-Dimensional Space

指導教授 : 郭振華




Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), or so called underwater robot, is an intelligent machine possesses computer, IMU, depth sensor, camera and other sensors built to automatically conduct many submarine tasks. In this paper, a novel design of propulsion system consisting of two “multi-directional” thrusters is developed for an AUV. Each thruster is able to provide three-axis rotation; that is, assigning thrust in any direction by rotating thruster. Therefore, it allows the AUV a very agile maneuverability and the 6 degrees of freedom with the minimum number of thrusters. Meanwhile, designing a dynamic positioning controller for the AUV to automatically locate at an assigned point in three-dimensional space is another key issue in this paper. To design the controller, firstly the dynamic model is derived via Newton’s second law and Euler’s rotation equations; the instantaneous moments resulted by relative motions of two thrusters are analyzed by the law of conservation of angular momentum. Besides, the vertical take-off and landing aircraft is also referred to formulate the thruster parts of dynamic model, for their propulsion system have similar mechanism. Secondly, four of the six degrees of freedom which are surge, sway, heave and yaw are controlled during the dynamic positioning while pitch and roll are neglected because their motions can be small under the restoring moment by a suitable arrangement of hardware. The four control laws are designed according to the dynamic model and PID control theory; besides, the three-dimensional control task is separated into depth control (heave) and planar control (surge, sway, yaw). Thirdly, to lead the AUV to the assigned position, the total thrusts generated by two thrusters need to be distributed into appropriate directions. The way to distribute thrusts can be seen as a mathematical optimization, and the method of Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse is adopted to solve the problem, for it provides the only one solution which is the best approximation among all possible solutions in least squares sense. During the process, the concept of pseudo control that is virtual control unit is also incorporated to provide an intuitive and understandable representation for control parameters. Finally, the AUV is controlled in real-time and the sensors’ information are used as feedback through detecting a set of landmarks by monocular vision.


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